So these are some of the pieces of hand work that have gone into the wedding. Each of my bridesmaids has cuffs of their dresses for the four elements. I haven't finished the fourth set yet, but here are fire, earth, and air.
The other great feat of the wedding. The blue embroidery is by myself for my smock, the trim with the pearls however is my mothers doing. I think she will be blind by the end of this. She has about half of the bolt of trim done. WAY TO GO MOM! I am eternally thankful I have a great mom who is willing to help me sew.
So this is my sewing mess. Lovely isn't it. I don't think it is as bad as it could be. So far... it has been contained to the basement with small pieces sneaking upstairs.
Our sweat shop is my old kitchen table set outside. A lovely place on warm days to sit and sew.
My smock is a mixture of hand embroidery and hand sewing. i think it one of the finest things I
have made.
These are the only pictures of my wedding dress that will be seen. The trim lovingly beaded by my mom on my navy blue brocade. The sleeves and gown are loosely based off the portrait of Eleanor of Toledo with he son Giovanni de'Medici by Bronzino in 1550. Love that dress. I love most of the gowns she wears in her portraits, but this one won the coin toss

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